I drew over the genitals. The unrated version will show them and Millis big butterfly vagina. I should have the VIP unrated section ready by the time the next page posts.

ShipponGirls pg10

7 thoughts on “ShipponGirls pg10

  1. How do you become a vip member?

    1. It will be through Sponsus (which is very similar to Patreon, but more accepting of porn). I currently have a few tiers already there, I am just going to be adding a few. A 2$ one that gives you access to the VIP version of this comic. Then a 10$ one that gives you this one, Zoe’s, The Commission VIP area, as well as the ILMB comic on Sponsus… Soon as I finish the ILMB and Zoe pages for the week I am going to set it up. So technically it should be up by Friday.

  2. I thought you just got lazy

  3. Penis obesity the little known epidemic going on the shippon world. Also if their parents can that pick that I imagine more than few people are mad about some poor genetic choices picked out for them.

    1. Yeah that is what I was getting at with the Labia. She feels self conscious because her parents choice wasn’t the most universally accepted choice, instead it is one that is on the lower side of popularity with the general public.
      I that is a realistic future, and a realistic issue that will arise.

  4. You literally cock blocked!

    1. lol yeah, guess you could say that 😀

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