Welcome to my comic. ShipponGirls is still pretty new but here is a little synopsis of what it will grow to be.

Three cousins move to the furthest outskirts of the universe, to a place that lacks much of the amenities of Earth. There they meet their neighbors, three young men trying to create a porno mag in a place without any, and due to space interference internet can’t even offer then webcomics to get their fix :D. Befriending the guys and in need of money they decide to start an enterprise together. Now everyone in this tiny colony knows every freckle on their bodies  how can they cope with their new found fame as the ShipponGirls, the maidens of Tortuga. A bigger question, how can they avoid falling in love with their new found business partners?

ShipponGirls is a weekly comic, updating each Tuesday. It is censored here, but there is an uncensored version available to those that support the site on Sponsus. With this area trying to maintain a R rating I will be removing this page after a week, so be sure to click on EVERY link to see the other great comics participating.

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2021

Spinnerette – Spinnerette | Bumblebee – Drive On | Justin Pfeil – The Keep on the Borderlands | Jeromatic- Bunny Wiggins | Tom Reynolds – Genderbending Sex Comics With a Proper Story and Everything | Holly Laing – Terra | Centcomm – Datachasers | Lou Graziani – Cy-Boar | Darksh1ne – Monstroniverse Adventures | The Letter M – The Restless Dead | Blue Dragon – Dark Horse | Montis Echo Boeher – Glitch | Gojiramon – CKarrus | Lightfoot – Pulse | Team Lady Valiant – Lady Valiant | Midnight – Danger Zone One | utzsar – Rocks | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai Poster Company | Ebenezer Splooge – PronQuest | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai High | Stilldown – Ariane Eldar’s Personal Place | Stilldown – Theater Of The Bloody Tongue | Barry Linck – Phineus+ Magician for Hire | Barry Linck – Phineus: Teen Wizard | Amy Letts – Epic Fail | Sheryl Schopfer – Sharpclaw | Sheryl Schopfer – Deer Me | Julie Devin – Monster Soup | J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona | Jaycee Knight – Bloomin’ Faeries! | Peter Anckorn – By The Book | The Blood Teller – Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | Microraptor – Playground – A Cryptida Adventure  | Microraptor – Cryptida | rulerbrain – Selling Smiles | Caley Tibbittz Collopy – SwordCat Knights | Andrew Hunter – Delve | Mark Egan – Bata Neart | Mark Egan – Back Office | Marshall Reeves – Yesterday Bound | Dizzaster Juice – WhiteOut | Dizzaster Juice – Offworld: The Crease | Zach Vanzile – West Tree Academy of Heroes | Ben Bourbon – Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub | MonicaNG – MoonSlayer | John Harrington – Super Rivals | Lirvilas – Grinder$ | Arne Cooper – The Androssian Prophecy | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | yellowgerbil – Shippon Girls | yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire | Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil | JHL Jones – Ayuri | The Exiern Team – Exiern Extras | The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Zen | The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Chaos | The Exiern Team – Exiern: Dark Reflections | The Exiern Team – Exiern | Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero