When I started this I had planned to steer clear of incest stuff… Doubt anyone will complain. I’ve sketched up a bunch of stuff for the next couple pages and think they will go over really well 😀 Also plan to revamp my Sponsus with a 2$ tier for uncensored access to Shippon. Not every page will have different versions (this page doesn’t) but most the upcoming ones will have a bunch (and a few extra pages as well for when they are having “FUN” together). So if you like the comic and can see paying 2$ for extra content, keep Shippon in mind. I am including it with the current 5$ tier as well so if you want a deal might consider that (it comes with the bi monthly ILMB comic) and then am gunna add a 10$ tier where you get both as well as the ability to view the VIPXXL section where all my commissioned drawings and comics go, already got 20 comics there).  If don’t want to, or can’t afford to, don’t worry, Shippon will still have tons of great content and nudity, just no genitals or hardcore views of sex.