ShipponGirls pg9
When I started this I had planned to steer clear of incest stuff… Doubt anyone will complain. I’ve sketched up a bunch of stuff for the next couple pages and think they will go over really well 😀 Also plan to revamp my Sponsus with a 2$ tier for uncensored access to Shippon. Not every page will have different versions (this page doesn’t) but most the upcoming ones will have a bunch (and a few extra pages as well for when they are having “FUN” together). So if you like the comic and can see paying 2$ for extra content, keep Shippon in mind. I am including it with the current 5$ tier as well so if you want a deal might consider that (it comes with the bi monthly ILMB comic) and then am gunna add a 10$ tier where you get both as well as the ability to view the VIPXXL section where all my commissioned drawings and comics go, already got 20 comics there). If don’t want to, or can’t afford to, don’t worry, Shippon will still have tons of great content and nudity, just no genitals or hardcore views of sex.
I had high hopes for this comic Gerbil, but since incest is apparently all you do now I’m out.
That is a bit extreme, but okay.
Ignore them. If they’re gonna be “touchy” they can make their own comic. You write the taboo in quite well as far as I’m concerned. With a great story to be written in to.
Thanks. I am quite happy with how this story is coming along. I am trying to make Milli really sweet and I think the interactions between her and her brother are fun.
I didn’t intend for incest to be a part, but it won’t be for long as he will be leaving the story to return to Earth, but first Milli get’s one special night with him 😀
Is this one of the 3D interiors you had done?
Yeah, pretty happy with how it came out. Their apartment and the neighbor guys apartment are the main 2 things I had him make for the comic, as the majority of the story will take place in these apartments.
Do they make it faster to do the comic?
Not really. That background on the top took me about 2 hours to do…
Think it looks better though.
People will always complain. Pay them no mind. And once you set up the $10 level on Sponsus I will be upgrading that.
Yeah, thanks. I think I’ve gotten a lot better at dealing with those that are negative, I used to take it more personally. Its fine if someone doesn’t want to read it because their is incest, but is weird that they are reading my stuff in the first place if they are opposed to incest as that has been a huge factor for years.
And you won’t regret upgrading. The VIPXXL section is getting huge. Probably around 30 exclusive comic pages spread out over a number of different little comics, and around 8-10 being added each month usually.
Just did my donation on Sponsus. Looking forward to the Hard R version of this comic there.
yeah I am going to try to set up an area for it sometime this week and have it ready to go before the following weeks page. This weeks page has some censoring, tried both mosaic and just making them like manniquins, think it looks better as barbie dolls and the penis as a white rod like many hentais did…