ShipponGirls pg3
on September 15, 2020
at 4:20 am
Considered censoring the bit of Milli’s vagina that was visible and might change it later, but for now enjoy the bit of visible slit 😀
Considered censoring the bit of Milli’s vagina that was visible and might change it later, but for now enjoy the bit of visible slit 😀
I like the slit slip. That’s what thongs are for. Thongs for the memories.
yeah I like them too, but the public version of the comic I am trying to keep it R rated and that might be a bit over the line for an “R”. eventually I will make it’s own VIP section but till I get to a point where there is some sex there isn’t much point.
Hahaha, a little window in the pantsu..
Pssh cousins are fine.
It would be funny if he was too cheap to spring for the unlocked version of the glasses and just when he figures out how to use the “Lingerie Eliminator” feature the free trial runs out and censorship ads start covering the girls privates.
That again sounds like some EA stuff.
Surprisingly I think I like Alex (that is the one with no bra, right?) the best. Usually I like the ones with the larger tits. Maybe it is the green eyes or the sense of sexual fun.
Yeah she’s the one. She is very competitive, and a little jealous that she can’t win the “biggest breasts” award so is extra competitive on outdoing the other 2 in all other ways. If anal is brought up she would be the one to say “SIGN ME UP” and take bigger and deeper than the others 😀 So based on what you commission, yeah I think she personality wise most embodies that.
Technically one of her “vagina” is showing, just some labia majora. You could argue that labia minora are an extension of the vagina but not the labia majora.
*Mons pubis – I didn.t know which one was Milli and was thinking you were talking about Alex
It’s fine. Yeah there are a few pages were a hint of “slit” can be seen that I was too lazy to cover up…
Rather than tone down the sexy stuff, on your already openly R-to-X rated comic, that is not being regulated by any stuffy group of self-righteous parents masquerading as a “board” of “experts”…
Maybe tone down Milli’s eyes a bit. Frankly anywhere the iris seems to fill the entire eyeball is freaky-looking, and I don’t think that’s your goal.
Sorry, not so much “Milli”, I mean the green-eyed blonde.
(Bit of confusion over names.)
Yeah they are a bit big in hindsight, eyes aren’t my strong point, not good at circles as my linework is terrible (I do tons of tiny strokes because can’t seem to control a line very well for much distance)